As the backbone of the property maintenance supply chain, we want to make sure you’re able to provide your quality products to as many local tradespeople as possible.
It’s quick and easy to access our platform and start selling to a whole raft of new trade customers. And managing these customer relationships via the app couldn’t be simpler!
GOGETMEIT integrates seamlessly into your system through a secure, custom API. Beneift from quick and simple order processing and billing.
Use our data suite to better manage stock levels for products, supplement market-leading research content, inform overall supply chain strategy and product development.
As a growing number of jobs are logged through the GOGETMEIT platform, the parts orders go exclusively to our roster of supplier partners to ensure the necessary materials end up in the right hands. You provide the best quality products and we’ll provide the orders!
As our network of tradespeople and housing providers grows, so too does the demand for products and parts on our platform.
By signing up to our supplier roster, you’re gaining traction with new customers, and strengthening relationships that you may already have by opening up a new avenue for them to purchase your products.
Upload products easily and advertise through the platform to an already engaged audience. Use promotions and deals to entice buyers, without the need for costly advertising through traditional marketing channels.
Data gathered from countless repairs jobs completed through the platform are aggregated and analysed. Gain valuable insight into which product lines and appliances are functioning well (or not so well), which products are causing issues and what those issues are.
Our onboarding is quick easy, and there’s no joining fee.